Earth Defender Sponsor

"Made Possible By" sponsor
$ 3000
  • All other features plus
  • Your name and logo added to all marketing materials under "Made Possible By"
  • Opportunity to speak on-air during event
Only 1 left

Cyber Soldier    Sponsor

"Event Sponsor"
$ 1000
  • All other features plus
  • Name/logo on all posters/banners as "Event Sponsor"
  • Name on radio spots, newspaper ads, and social media
Only 3 left

Champion SponsoR

Contributing Sponsor
$ 500
  • Name/Logo on Event Website
  • Name/Logo linked to your website
  • Indentified as "Contributing Sponsor" on newspaper advertising


Contribute what you can
Any amount
  • Name listed as an "Other Donor" on website
  • Our thanks, because we can't do it alone.


Turner Technology is working with Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction to bring an e-recycle event to Holdrege at no cost to the public, and we need your help!  By joining forces with other local businesses, we can widen our outreach, cover costs and recruit volunteers to help on the day ensuring a successful day of protecting our planet and its data.

By becoming a sponsor, you will have your company’s name on the marketing materials and advertising.  Will you join us as a sponsor?

We will have live radio broadcast for 2 hours and radio ads leading up to the event, as well as a half page ad in the newspaper. 

For more information, contact Hannah Wick – 308.995.2071 or fill out the form to the right.

Contact us

Let us know if you want more information on being a sponsor

Current Sponsors